Summarizing Spanish with Stanford CoreNLP
A quick and dirty summarization algorithm for Spanish text
On Metacademy and knowledge graphs
Modeling learning as a graph traversal
Where does ice cream come from?
The challenge of world knowledge in artificial intelligence
Sunday Links
Week of 20 April
Sunday Links
Week of 14 April
Sunday Links
Week of 6 April
Sunday Links
Week of February 2
Kneser-Ney smoothing explained
I explain a popular smoothing method applied to language models. The post describes Kneser-Ney as it applies to bigram language models and offers some intuition on why it works well.
Sunday Links
Week of January 5
Sunday Links
Week of December 29
The wacky economics of gift-giving
Why do we give presents rather than cash? What is it that makes some gifts offensive and others lovely?
Sunday Links
Week of December 22: In which the unplanned Hayekian immersion program continues
Imperat aut servit: Managing our knowledge inheritance
How do we manage the weight of our intellectual inheritance? An examination of the historical practice of writing during and after reading, and a suggested answer to that question.
Sunday Links
Week of December 15, 2013. More economics, with a side of Lisp.