I decided to rewrite my Hillis β-reduction routine in Haskell. I was very pleased to find that the rewrite yielded code much more concise and less “hacky” than the original Clojure algorithm.1
module Beta (beta)
import Data.Map (Map, alter, empty)
-- Used to insert or merge map values. Partially apply this function
-- with a merge function and an initial value, then use it in
-- `Data.Map.alter`.
alterer :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
alterer _ v Nothing = Just v
alterer f v (Just x) = Just (f v x)
-- beta-reduce a list of keys and values with a given merge function.
beta :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> [a] -> (Map k a)
beta f keys vals = beta' empty f keys vals
-- Internal recursive function.
beta' :: Ord k => (Map k a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> [k] -> [a] -> (Map k a)
beta' map _ [] _ = map
beta' map _ _ [] = map
beta' map f (k:ks) (v:vs) = let map' = alter (alterer f v) k map
in beta' map' f ks vs